Internationally renowned Olomouc native Otmar Oliva (*1952), a graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, lives in Velehrad, where he has his own studio with a foundry. Oliva’s works can be found in the Olomouc Museum of Art. An admired work is his fountain The Fountain of Living Water of St. Jan Sarkander, located in front of the Sarkander Chapel on Michalské vrchší.
His extensive oeuvre includes free sculpture, liturgical and ceremonial (mostly ecclesiastical) artefacts, insignia, relief decoration of bells, sculptural design of graves, memorial plaques, busts, medals and complex sculptural realisations intended mainly for church interiors and urban spaces.
In particular, his sculptural solutions for the decoration of the Redemptoris Mater Chapel of Pope John Paul II in the Vatican and the interior of the Church of Mary Mother of the Church in Maribor, Slovenia, have entered European awareness. Oliva’s works are owned by the Vatican Museum, the Moravian Gallery in Brno, the Museum of Art in Olomouc and many other galleries. He is a recipient of the Masaryk Academy of Arts Award, the 3rd Resistance Commemorative Medal, and the Order of St. Cyril and Methodius. Since 2007, Olomouc is richer with the Olive Fountain Spring of Living Water of St. John Sarkander.