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International Guides Day in Olomouc

International Guides Day in Olomouc

4. 2. 2025 | Barbora Malínek Číhalová

In Olomouc, we will also commemorate International Guides Day in mid-February. The Olomouc Information Centre and the Olomouc guide Tomáš Kryl are preparing tours. During the tours, visitors will learn interesting facts about the house signs in the city centre and also commemorate two important historical anniversaries connected with Olomouc.

The Olomouc Information Centre has prepared an extraordinary tour called After the House Signs. It is scheduled for Sunday, February 16 at 10 am and 2 pm.

“During the roughly one-hour tour, visitors will learn interesting facts about the history of selected house signs in the city centre. With a guide, they will stop by the house of the Black Dog, the Golden Pike, the Golden Stag and they will also learn why a black horse jumps out of the house on Dolní náměstí,” invited Jitka Lučanová from the Olomouc Information Centre.

The price of the tour is 50 CZK, children under 12 years old can take it for free. Due to limited capacity, it is necessary to reserve a place in advance at vstupenky.olomouc.eu.


Traditionally, the Olomouc guide Tomáš Kryl is also preparing a tour on the occasion of International Guides’ Day. On Sunday, 23 February, at 10 am and 2 pm, you can join him on a tour called Olomouc of the Přemyslids to commemorate the 370th anniversary of the founding of the imperial border fortress Olomouc and the 970th anniversary of the first mention of Olomouc Castle. “The tour will introduce visitors to Olomouc as an important centre of the Great Moravian Empire and the former capital of Moravia. It will present a varied mosaic of architecture from the Romanesque style to modernity and will bring to life again the stories of houses, palaces, temples, fountains, columns and a number of important personalities,” explained the guide Kryl. The tour is free and starts at 10am and 2pm in the Upper Square near the model town. Due to limited capacity, you must reserve your spot by emailing tomas.kryl@email.cz.


International Guides Day falls on 21 February. The World Federation of Tourist Guides (WFTGA) was founded on this day in 1985. Each year, more and more cities, information centres and qualified guides join in the celebrations, offering sightseeing and interesting tours, usually free of charge or for a symbolic fee.

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