Astronomical Clock

Horní náměstí, 779 11, Olomouc

+420 585 513 385

Basic information

The Olomouc Astronomical Clock is situated in the northern facade of the Town Hall. It is set into a 14 m high pointed-arched recess. The present-day appearance of the Clock dates back to the 50s of the 20th Century and bears the traces of the former official aesthetic of socialist realism. The mosaic decoration of the Clock is made of various portrayals on the lateral sides of the recess depicting characteristic work for each month of the year. The author of the design, Karel Svolinský, introduced the folklore motif of the Ride of the Kings at the top of the recess. Figures representing the different working classes are depicted in the lower part of the mosaic decoration.

Opening hours:
The Clock performs daily at 12 noon

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